Saturday, August 22, 2020

Communication and Conflict Chapter 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Correspondence and Conflict Chapter 6 - Essay Example Second rule is that each discrete feeling serves various capacities; they assist us with sorting out recognition, discernments, and activities so as to seek after endeavors to adapt and make. In such manner, various feelings help us in achieving various undertakings in settling clashes. Third standard is that huge individual circumstances are those that trigger sorted out examples of feelings. To put it plainly, feelings occur in a sorted out way, with one feeling managing different feelings. Feelings communicate with one another in reasonable manners; this is the way people can address their contentions, despite the fact that contentions are exceptionally perplexing and might be befuddling. Feelings make a systematic reaction to clashes. Fourth guideline is that individuals create feeling personal conduct standards as youngsters, and expand on them as they develop and develop. For example, the crying jags of babies acclimate to progressively limited practices as one becomes more seasoned. The fifth rule is that singular characters are heaps of feeling personal conduct standards, and in conclusion, feelings trigger troublesome conduct in light of specific triggers. One misguided judgment about feeling is that it is an impediment to settling clashes. For some individuals, feelings are believed to be silly, wild, and will in general heighten they stay unexpressed. The propensity in this manner is for individuals (who accept that feelings are an obstacle) to overlook their feelings; feelings are viewed as a negative thing, an indication of shortcoming, and ought not be communicated grinding away. Enthusiastic individuals are believed to be crazy, so it is critical to attempt to legitimize sentiments coherently with the goal that they could be placed in charge. Commonly, the outflow of feelings are believed to be a weight to the audience members, so our cutting edge levelheaded culture instructs us not to communicate feelings, or to maintain a strategic distance from the individuals who do. Moreso even, develop, balanced individuals are confounded to be

Friday, August 21, 2020

Theseus Essay Research Paper Theseus a very free essay sample

Theseus Essay, Research Paper Theseus, an extremely baronial grown-up male of high force had a wide range of characteristics about him. In spite of the fact that his characteristics were vaguely expressed in # 8220 ; A Midsummer # 8217 ; s Night # 8217 ; s Dream, # 8221 ; it was evident what kind of individual he was. In Act 1, Scene 1, when Theseus is addressing his Hyppolyta, apparently he is actually significantly infatuated. He is truly stimulated about the pre-marriage ceremony and requests readyings. He explicitly expresses this when he says, # 8220 ; # 8230 ; Stir up the Athenian youngster to gaieties, conscious the perky and spry soul of merth, turn melancholic Forth to burial services # 8221 ; ( 13-15 ) 1. He is extremely glad and glad to be get marrieding Hyppolyta, the grown-up female he cherishes. # 8220 ; Hyppolyta, I woed thee with my sharp edge, and won thy love making thee harms ; But I will wed thee in another key, with gaudery, with triumph, and with charming # 8221 ; ( 17-20 ) 1. This demonstrates Theseus is an upbeat hopeful grown-up male. We will compose a custom exposition test on Theseus Essay Research Paper Theseus a very or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In this impossible to miss part of the dramatization, Act 4, Scene 1, Theseus acts in an extremely uncommon way. Despite the fact that he a person who is regularly methodical and stands the law, in this occasion he conflicts with it. Against Egeus # 8217 ; s word he permits the marriage among Lysander and Hermia, and Demetrius and Helena to take topographic point. He expresses this actually explicitly when he says, â€Å"Egeus, I will overbear your will ; For in the sanctuary, before long, with us, these duos will everlastingly be knit† ( 183-185 ) 62. This kind of conduct non only shows that Egeus is an extremely sympathetic grown-up male, however adjacent to that he is understanding. He comprehends that an individual can’t harvest time in affection with individual else by a power, as in the occurrence of Hermia and Demetrius. In this way, he lets Hermia wed Lysander. Act 5, Scene 1 uncovers that Theseus is an extremely finical yet amusing individual. In this scene Philostrate surveys all the delight that should be seen at the pre-marriage ceremony. After much disarray and thought, Theseus picks the least praiseworthy show called Pyramus and Thisby. He is extremely clever about how this show will be performed. He explicitly doesn # 8217 ; t see how a dramatization could be # 8220 ; joyful and tragical # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; exhausting and brief # 8221 ; at a similar clasp, yet he requests a screening of the show since he is extremely clever. Every one of these grounds cause Theseus to appear as grown-up male with a wide-scope of characteristics. He is a cheerful, glad, hopeful, understanding, charitable, and entertaining grown-up male. These characteristics weren # 8217 ; t explicitly recorded in the dramatization, however his activities helped me discover and comprehend his characteristics as a person.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Hershey Company Shares - 1100 Words

Hershey Company Shares (Essay Sample) Content: Name: Institution: Date: Buying Hershey Company Shares Hershey Company is the vastest producer of chocolates in the northern parts of Northern America. It is takes the lead in chocolate production and also non-chocolate products worldwide. Hershey Company is based in the United States with several branches in different parts of the world. The branches are found in Japan, Korea, India, the great China republic and in other parts of the world. They have a general outlook as the most outstanding company in the production of chocolates and related products globally. The Hershey Company boasts of a wide range of products which include: refreshment products such as gum and mint, baking products and other chocolate confectionaries (Hershey Company). The company produces personalized products that cover a wide market from North America to other parts of the world. Premium chocolate products are produced by the company and used only in the United States (SEC 10-K). While the company boasts of its being the most outstanding chocolate company, in a business sense this is true. It is also more like the other consumer companies that work to products for direct consumption by the customers. This work will focus on Hersheyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial report for the fiscal year 2015. It will also take a closer look into their financial status and explain why Hershey is the best company for you to invest in. The financial status of the company would us be directing in assessing the opportunities the company may provide to shareholders in the next years to make it even better. The referencing for this work will be based on the SEC 10-K report of the Hershey Company for the year 2015. This report provides comprehensive and synthesized information on the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s business activities for the year 2015. The company has independent auditors who audited the company and produced the SEC 10-K report. Inventory Methods The company applies different methods of inventory management in their operations. They majorly employ the LIFO method in inventory control. The other inventories of the company are valued using the FIFO method (SEC 10-K). The inventory covers areas such as the materials, labor and overhead. The FIFO method was incorporated from the year 2007 and with time has led to increased productivity in the company. Accounts Receivable The primary concentrations for the credit risks of the Hershey Company are linked majorly with McLane Company and Wal-Mart Stores. The McLane Company accounted for 12.8% of the accounts receivable for the Company in the year 2015. 12.3% of these were for Wal-Mart Stores (SEC 10-K). There are no other companies that account for above 10% of the total. They believe that they have but very little accumulation of risks of credit. The accounts receiveable were presented in the balance sheets. Furthermore, the anticipated discounts for the year 2014 and 2015 are also presented therein. Generally, Hershey Company has a great base of branches that only two of them contribute greatly in the credit risks for the company. Uncollectible Accounts The uncollectible accounts separate from the accounts receivable for the company are taken into account. Just as any other company, Hershey Company also experiences the burden of uncollectible amounts in its operations (SEC 10-K). In the second quarter of the fiscal year 2015, the company carried out investigations on its accounts receivables. They recorded an additional adjustment of $25,898 which they considered uncollectible as of the acquisition date. The writes-off the accounts receivable are done on a regular basis. Future Revenue Potential Hershey Company has great revenue prospects in the looming fiscal years. An improvement in the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s revenue base is expected to get on the rise with every fiscal year. The company modifies the costs and weights of their products whenever necessary to maintain them always on an upward progression (SEC 10-K). They realized that whenever they implemented price elevations, a time lag that was realized. The company is based on pro...

Monday, May 18, 2020

Eddie Carbone as a Tragic Hero in A View from the Bridge...

A View from the Bridge is a dramatic tragedy, which follows the life of a dockworker, Eddie Carbone, in 1950s America who is the main focus of the play. He represents the average, everyday man in society, but his character draws parallels to many tragic heroes in the past shown in Greek tragedies, Shakespeare’s plays, etc. (e.g. Hamlet and Macbeth). A tragic hero is the hero in the story who has positive and negative traits and their negative traits is what eventually leads to the demise and this is what happens to Eddie. Many fathers and uncles can relate to Eddie when they have to ‘let go’ of their children, but Eddie’s tragic flaw is that his immature actions and selfish behaviour emphasises his personal obsession of being in charge and†¦show more content†¦Alfieri ends the play by telling the audience that he mourns Eddie and tries to present Eddie as an innocent guy that has just followed his destiny. He also goes on to say that, â€Å"every few years there is still a case [like this]†, further trying to make Eddie seem innocent. At the beginning of the play, Eddie is portrayed as a sensible and smart character. Eddie and the girls (Catherine and Beatrice) all have a requited respect for each other – Beatrice: â€Å"Mmm! You’re an angel! God’ll bless you† – and there are no problems as such, even when the immigrants first come. He is also respected by the community – Alfieri: â€Å"He was good a man as he had to be in life that was.† But this dominant respect that he gains is what he is very used to and the slight changes where Catherine finds another man in her life and Beatrice also looks after the two immigrants (Rodolpho and Marco) effects Eddie hugely. The respect that he becomes used to is now shared by the women in his life between the men in his house and he craves for more attention. This can be considered one of his flaws that lead to his downfall. He is also shown caring for Catherine in the beginning of the play. He can be seen as a normal uncle or father – Beatrice: â€Å"She’s got a job.† Eddie: â€Å"What job? She’s gonna finish school.† He is also very proud of Catherine – â€Å"Sure she’s the best†¦ You look like aShow MoreRelatedA View from the Bridge by Miller1609 Words   |  7 PagesMiller’s A View from the Bridge, originally written in 1956 as a one act play, has many features of a classic Greek tragedy. It is set in the Italian-American neighbourhood, situated in Red Hook, near Brooklyn Bridge in New York. It is in this community Miller chooses to dramatise themes of conflict, betrayal, love and obsession. The underlying omerta is present throughout the play and is the reason for the conflict as it is defied by Eddie Carbone, the Italian longshoreman, who destroys himselfRead MoreThe Dramatic Importance of the Role of Alfieri in A View From the Bridge1115 Words   |  5 PagesImportance of the Role of Alfieri in A View From the Bridge First performed in 1956. Arthur Millers play A view from the bridge was originally set in the 1940s and started life as a one act verse before Arthur Miller converted it to a two act play to enhance and make it more enjoyable for the audience of today. In the title A view from the bridge Arthur Miller is referring to the Brooklyn Bridge which used to be the largest cable bridge in the world and its main purposeRead MoreHow far do you agree with the view that the tragedies in ‘Ethan Frome’ and ‘A View from the Bridge’ are brought about by individual characters rather 2084 Words   |  9 PagesWithin A View from the Bridge and Ethan Frome the main protagonists are tragic figures. The origin of a tragedy comes from Greece, where the basis of the idea was a drama in which the protagonist is overcome by some superior force or extreme circumstance; this usually resulted in either disaster or death. As is true to most Greek tragedies the ending of the shown before the downfall itself. Most victims of tragedy were written to be of a high stature such as royalty, yet both Ethan Frome and Eddie CarboneRead MoreConventions of Tragedy in A View From The Bridge By Arthur Miller1100 Words   |  5 Pagesin A View From The Bridge By Arthur Miller Arthur Miller manipulates his characters and uses literary devices to effectively convey to the audience the trajectory of Eddie Carbone and his flaws of misconduct in the play, A View From The Bridge. He uses all the conventions of a modern tragedy adequately to help arouse sympathy, suspense and fear from the audience at significant intervals of the play. Mr Eddie CarboneRead MoreTo What Extent Can Eddie Be Described as a Tragic Hero in ‘a View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller?2453 Words   |  10 PagesIn writing ‘A View from the Bridge, Arthur Miller wanted to create a modern Greek tragedy. An Ancient Greek tragedy was a play where fate brings about the downfall of the characters involved. It has many other generic features which Miller has incorporated into his modern version. The character of Alfieri is used in the traditional chorus role, and Eddie is often likened to a tragic hero, the main character who contributes to their own downfall through a flawed personality, typically describedRead More Analysing the Portrayal of Eddie Carbone as a Tragic Hero Essay2144 Words   |  9 PagesAnalysing the Portrayal of Eddie Carbone as a Tragic Hero A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller is a dramatically tense tragedy that presents the story of the downfall of an ordinary man. The play examines the tragic consequences of Eddie Carbones inability to understand himself and his actions. This predominantly takes the form of his prejudice towards his cousin and his inappropriate attraction to his niece. It is set in the 1950s and was written while Miller had become interested inRead More Eddie Carbone as the Tragic Hero of the Play Essay1952 Words   |  8 PagesEddie Carbone as the Tragic Hero of the Play â€Å"One who is neither villainous nor exceptionally virtuous, moving from happiness to misery through some frailty or error in judgement.† The above opening quotation is from Aristotle, which is his view of what elements a tragic hero contains. This essay will investigate the destiny of the main character Eddie Carbone also known as a tragic hero, as illustrated by Arthur Miller in ‘A view from a Bridge’ against Aristotle’s view of a tragic heroRead MoreHow Arthur Miller Hints at Tragedy in ‘A View from the Bridge’1370 Words   |  6 Pagesof the play ‘A View from the Bridge’. Miller gives us lots of clues in the opening section to try and get the audience thinking. He wants us to think about how the main character dies not what happened in the end because everyone knows that in a tragedy the main character dies. Miller uses a range of devices e.g. uses of plot devices, the structure foreshadowing o put an impact on the audience understanding of the play. One reason why we know that this story will lead to a tragic ending is becauseRead MoreExamine the Ideas of Manliness, Hostility and Aggression in a View from the Bridge. How Are These Ideas Connected?2688 Words   |  11 PagesExamine the ideas of Manliness, Hostility and Aggression in A View from the Bridge. How are these ideas connected? A View from the Bridge: a tragic drama piece, written by Arthur Miller and first published in 1955. Curtained by the never-ending dramatics of the play, is quite basically a fight for an unconditional love, portrayed by a man of whom perplexes his emotions like no other (Eddie Carbone). The play itself is set in the 1950’s; times when masculinity and dominance we’re vital for a manRead MoreTragic Hero1598 Words   |  7 PagesTragic Hero From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A tragic hero is a protagonist with a tragic flaw, also known as fatal flaw, which eventually leads to his demise. The concept of the tragic hero was created in ancient Greek tragedy and defined by Aristotle. Usually, the realization of fatal flaw results in catharsis or epiphany. The tragic flaw is sometimes referred to as an Achilles heel after the single fatal flaw of the Greek warrior Achilles. [citation needed] Aristotelian tragic

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ignou Bshf101 Solved Assignment 2011 - 3442 Words

IGNOU BSHF 101 Solved Assignment 2011 Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences Course Code : BSHF 101 Answer in 250 words. Attempt any four questions. 1. What do you understand by term Post-Industrial society? Are †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦of the Industrial society? Solution: Industrial society came into existence when the number of factory workers exceeded the number of primary-industry workers. Primary industry is the type of economic activity that deals with the harvesting of raw materials. Included in that category are: farming, fishing, foresting, mining, and so forth. England was probably the first industrial society, but there is some reason to believe that the phenomenon occurred about the same time in Holland.†¦show more content†¦It is going to be a challenge to bridge the gap even by introducing teachers training programs.According to a teacher of a reputed school in Delhi, there are hundreds of students in one class and there is a huge gap between the training imparted to teachers and what they practice on ground.Our HRD Minister himself has acknowledged that there is a shortage of about five lakh teachers. In the face of this, how will it fulfill its promise of providing quality education to all? It is going to be a huge challenge. Challenge to provide Infrastructure Will we get better schools? In a survey on Elementary Education in India, conducted by the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), it has been found that almost half of the recognized elementary schools in the country do not have separate toilet for girls. This goes out to prove and depict the sorry state that our schools are in. It is going to be a challenge to provide the requisite infrastructure that the Act expects.The Act demands that the building of all the schools should be weather proof According to the Act there should be one teacher for every 30 students. The survey has come up with dismal details in this regard. There are 5.79 million teachers teaching in the elementary schools currently and each school has an average of 4.5 teachers. The Act suggests barrier free entries for all the schools whereas presently, only about 40% of

Supervision of Regulation and Challenges †

Question: Discuss about the Supervision of Regulation and Challenges. Answer: Introduction: From the above discussion it can be concluded that Islamic finance started gaining importance after the 2008 global financial crisis. The essay examined the development of Islamic finance in the UAE and how it has emerged as the alternative banking in the country since the last 50 years. It also explained that various factors that promoted the growth of Islamic finance like awareness on the part of the government institution related with the significance of promoting Islamic finance as Shariah complaint in the development of the country. It reviewed the public awareness on the growth of Islamic finance and financial system as better banking system (Ainley, et al., 2007). The major advantage of Islamic finance as observed from the literature review is that they do not follow the concept of investing money in speculative business of trading and chance games. In fact they operate the system as Shariah complaint and it is considered seriously by western researcher whereby normal banking should follow the same principle. Islamic finance offer diversity in the portfolio to both companies and individuals. In addition they are fulfilling the needs of their market segment that is rapidly growing. With the passage of time the Islamic finance is becoming more and more sophisticated. The constant evolution of the regulatory and policy framework and growing market of Islamic finance explain the growing capacity and stability of the concept (Archer, Karim, 2007). It is challenging the conventional banking concept as more and more banking institution and financial institution are adopting the Islamic finance. Thus it indicates the Islamic finance will evolve further. References Ainley, M., Mashayekhi, A., Hicks, R., Rahman, A., Ravalia, A. (2007). Islamic finance in the UK: Regulation and challenges. London: Financial Services Authority, 13. Archer, S., Karim, R. A. A. (2007). Supervision of Islamic Banks and Basel II: the Regulatory Challenge. Islamic finance: the regulatory challenge, 1-7.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

AP Literature Essay - Second Poem Sample

AP Literature Essay - Second Poem SampleIn this essay, we are going to look at a variety of AP Literature Essay samples and see what they have to offer. You'll be able to find something unique to you, and also be sure that you can find something to help you and make your high school essays easier and better. You'll also see some tips on where to find more great examples and information on how to write better essays.There are a number of types of essay that you'll need to write for the NEW essays that you'll need to write this year. You have some choices, so you can take some time to research some ways to write the best essays possible. One of the best ways to do this is to get some help from the wonderful AP Literature Essay samples, and we're going to take a look at a couple of them now. See what you can learn, and then come back and see the last essay sample in a moment.The first AP Literature Essay Sample is a pair of poems by Robert Frost. These poems are 'To the Lighthouse'She S toops to Compose'. To get some ideas, take a look at these poems and see what they can say to you.The second poem sample is one by Shakespeare. Here, we have 'Henry V'. This is one of Shakespeare's earliest written poems and is considered one of his best. So, with this introduction, you can see the other things that are to be included in your AP Literature Essay.Now, let's look at the second essay sample, which is a pair of poems by Robert Frost. Frost was a poet who wrote a lot of poetry and many famous poems, including 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening'One More Spring'. These poems have an important part in his life and way of thinking.While the poem sample on this topic is quite short, we still thought it was worth looking at. Because a good number of students will be taking AP Literature, it's important to write an essay which is readable, informative, and well written.When you need some free help, there is no reason to go without reading some samples. If you want to have so me fun, do some research and look through all of the books and resources on this topic.So, when you've finished with this sample's, you can go and look through all of the other samples that are available to help you write that perfect essay. Have fun!